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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
It is our goal to provide our supply base with every opportunity to improve their performance and understanding of supplier related requirements of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and its affiliates worldwide.
Using a common framework and interface, this portal will globally integrate cross-functional online applications, thus providing suppliers with one, single point of access and contact.
As a registered user, you will have access to your individual applications and procurement related information including access to the portal pages of Mitsubishi Motors major locations.
2. What are the benefits and consequences for suppliers?
We are completely convinced that e-Business will yield significant economic advantages not only for our company, but also for our supplier partners. In particular, these advantages result from the optimization of the purchasing process and the resulting cost savings that will affect both the Mitsubishi Motors Corporation and supplier sides. Internet-based applications enable all supplier partners to become thoroughly networked with Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. Advantages:
- Reduced flow-through times (time-to-market, order-to-delivery, failure-to-correction)
- Increased process quality due to cross-functional standardized processes and systems
- Intensive cooperation with suppliers at every step of the entire value chain, from development to sales
- Efficient processes that guarantee access to the necessary information for all suppliers.
The personal contact between Mitsubishi Motors Corporation representatives and business partners will remain unchanged and will only be replaced in individual phases of the procurement process by processing via the internet, which is both quick and cost-effective for everyone participating.
3. Why did Mitsubishi Motors Corporation choose Covisint instead of developing its own individual marketplace?
We are convinced that Covisint will generate savings potentials for all participants by developing and using standards for data transfer and other forms of communication. We also hold the opinion that this will support the common use of new internet-based technologies in our industry.
Covisint is a marketplace aimed at the entire automotive industry. It acts as an independent company, independent of its shareholding participants. Exchanges of any kind of sensitive information, in any form whatsoever, between the participants is technically impossible and restricted by cartel laws.
4. What is the benefit of the Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal through Covisint?
- A single global access point to all released Mitsubishi Motors Corporation online applications (every supplier is released specifically for individual applications).
- With the decision for Covisint as an industry portal, Mitsubishi Motors Corporation supports the development of an industry-wide portal standard in the automotive industry: this will substantially improve and facilitate global communications among supplier partners and suppliers.
- Easy navigation and processing of transactions via Mitsubishi Motors Corporation systems.
- Uniform and simple access identification (single sign on).
5. How are the existing portals and applications integrated?
The Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal will replace our Supplier Support Desk (SSD) and it will successively integrate all current applications. The Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal will provide our business partners with a standard point of global access to Mitsubishi Motors Corporation information and its online applications. All suppliers are informed about the transition.
6. Does the use of the global Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal involve any costs for suppliers?
Suppliers incur no costs.
7. Who can register for the global Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal?
All Mitsubishi Motors suppliers with a valid supplier code can register for the Mitsubishi Motors Supplier Portal. Each supplier has to nominate a central Security Administrator for the company and has to accept the legal terms and conditions of Mitsubishi Motors Corporation. Please see more at "How to register" on our portal homepage.
8. What kind of applications are available and how do I get access?
When the integration phase is finished, the supplier portal offers applications from the area of procurement, supply, quality, production and engineering. Your contact person at Mitsubishi Motors Corporation can inform you about the specific applications you need to apply for.